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Must-Have Resources for Working Women

By Cheryl Conklin, Wellness Central


Opportunities abound for working women today, but sometimes, figuring out how to take your professional life to the next level can still be challenging. Perhaps you’d like to score a promotion with your company, spend more time with your children while advancing in your career, or run your own ecommerce business. No matter what path you’re on, these resources can help working women achieve their biggest goals. 

Being a Great Employee

From speaking with self-assurance to designing a schedule that helps you balance your personal and professional life, these tips will help you become a star employee.

  • Practice your assertive communication skills when you’re talking to your boss and your coworkers. 

  • Curate a professional wardrobe so that you always look your best at the office - dressing well can boost your confidence!

  • If you have children, take steps to establish a realistic work-life balance that allows you to attend to all of your responsibilities.

Moving Up in the Workplace

Don’t hold yourself back at work - here’s how to bump up your salary, learn new skills, and even earn a promotion. 

  • Finding a female mentor can be the key to unlocking your full potential and breaking down feelings of self-doubt. 

  • Ready to try something new in your role? Don’t be afraid to ask your manager for more responsibility!

  • If you want to ask for a raise, make sure to document all of the new projects you’ve taken on and explain how your work has created value for the company. 

  • Do you feel confident that you’re ready to move up the ranks? These tips will help you secure a promotion.

Creating Your Dream Career

Whether you want to open your own business or break into a new field, it’s time to start charting the path towards your ideal career. 

  • Are you ready to move on from your current company? Reflect on your lifelong passions to identify your dream job.

  • Networking can bring all kinds of opportunities your way and help you connect with people who want to support your next big career move. 

  • Kristen Lem has tips on how to take the leap to become a freelancer

  • Go off on your own and open your own business!

  • Many small business owners prefer to register as an LLC for its flexibility and tax advantages. 

As a woman in the workforce, there are no limits to what you can accomplish today. Whether you’re a recent graduate or a mother returning from maternity leave, you may have questions about your next steps. With these resources, you’ll find it easier to overcome any obstacles you may be facing.