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Interview Questions for a Fascinating Feature

While I am against using a completely generic list of interview questions, I find that there are a few I turn to time and time again when writing a feature profile. To write a compelling Q&A, use a mix of what I’ve listed below in combination with a few that are industry or person-specific. Generate these questions by doing research on your subject.

Here is a list of questions that will help you REALLY get to know the person you’re writing about:

  • Who is your biggest inspiration?

  • What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the same field?

  • Dead or alive, who is someone you would like to have dinner with?

  • What are you most looking forward to?

  • How do you stay grounded?

  • How do you stay motivated?

  • What is the one thing you could be bribed with?

  • Who knows you the best?

These questions are guaranteed to give you some interesting answers AND get your creative juices flowing! Good luck!

Got your questions down and ready to write? Check out How to Write a Compelling Feature Profile.

Need more guidance in writing your profile feature? Schedule a FREE consultation with me.
Or hire me to write your feature for you!
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