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Low-Cost Ways to Look and Feel Great as Pandemic Restrictions Lift

By Cheryl Conklin, Wellness Central

It’s been a hard year for many, which is why it’s vital to focus on low-cost self-care tactics that help you look and feel your absolute best as pandemic restrictions begin to lift. From eating nutritious meals to exercising and buying a new outfit, use this guide to help you make a budget-friendly self-care plan that will promote a healthy mind and body.


Start with Your Diet

Did you know that your diet can have major effects on your mood? Food is more than just sustenance: your gut environment, also known as the human microbiome, has the ability to bolster or sink your mood. Research has shown that 90 percent of serotonin receptors are in the gut, which means an unhappy gut has ripple effects on your brain.

The gut-brain connection is so powerful that a new branch of mental healthcare has emerged that focuses on nutrition. In nutrition psychology, foods that are high in probiotics—yogurt and fermented foods—are often given before medication. Sometimes improving the gut microbiome can be more effective for depression and anxiety than traditional anti-depressant medications.

This is all to say that you should pay close attention to what you eat, and focus on foods that can restore equilibrium to your gut environment. Eating well doesn’t have to break the bank—proven depression-fighting foods include carrots, dark berries, walnuts, and sweet potatoes.

Carrots, thanks to their high fiber and vitamin content, can help ward off depression. Carrots get their bright color from beta-carotene, an antioxidant that also occurs in other colorful fruits and vegetables. Carotenoids have even been shown to help treat neurological diseases.

Dark berries such as blueberries and blackberries are shown to help boost mood thanks to antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These antioxidants help your brain produce dopamine, which is a mood-enhancing chemical.

Walnuts and sweet potatoes are other great natural mood enhancers. Walnuts have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation, while sweet potatoes have magnesium, an anxiety-reducing and sleep-promoting vitamin.

 TIP: shop in farmer’s markets or buy in bulk to save money on fresh produce.

Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of regular exercise can’t be understated. Not only does exercise help your body produce the feel-good brain chemicals dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, but it also helps you sleep better at night.

 Exercise can be gentle and still have its benefits. And you don’t have to go to an expensive gym to reap the benefits—you can exercise at home and save money. For example, an hour of gentle yoga can help your body and mind relax and gain strength. But if you’re able, aim to do at least a couple of vigorous exercises per week to help get your heart rate up—and even help prevent cancer.

New Clothes, New You

It may seem inconsequential, but buying new clothes is actually a great way to elevate your mental health. Research shows that retail therapy actually works. Psychologists say the process of shopping involves visualization, which can help reduce anxiety and improve performance.

 Shopping is more anxiety-reducing if you’re finding clothes at a great price. Check for online coupons or promo codes to buy a new outfit from stores such as American Eagle Outfitters. By using coupons, you can find clothes that make you look and feel great without breaking your budget.

 Even though it’s been a hard year, you can get yourself back on track mentally and physically by following this guide. Eat depression-fighting foods and avoid processed foods that will compromise your gut microbiome, get exercise as often as possible, and consider an online shopping trip to help you look and feel great once you’re ready to head back out into the world.