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Single Page Site: A Simplified Solution ... But is it for You?

If you’ve been a visitor to my page for awhile … or really any concept of how the internet works, you know that:

If you have a business, you need a website.

The worldwide web is a space open to anyone with internet access, and it’s an essential way for people to find YOU and become a potential customer. Plain and simple:

If you don’t have a web presence, you’re missing out. Big time.

Now, there are all sorts of websites out there obviously. Many of them are multi-page, simply meaning that there are other pages you can link to other than the homepage. But, what if you don’t have or need that much content? Should you “make up” more content to fill up space and more pages? This is a tricky question. Adding more content could improve your SEO, meaning it’s easier to find you on Google or other search engines.

However there are many situations where a single page is a completely viable option. In fact, in some cases, it’s actually the BEST option. Like many things, more isn’t always better.

It’s about choosing what makes sense.

Here are a few types of sites that are well-suited for a single page format:

  • Splash Page

  • Launch Announcement

  • Sign Up

  • Webinar Quick Link

  • Site Built for Google Ad Testing

  • Really Any Type of Simple Site!

The pros of a single page scrolling site are:

  • Lower Cost

  • Easier to Update/Manage

  • Simpler Set Up/Initial Build

The main con is that a single page site will obviously have less content than a multi-page site, and therefore less opportunity to flesh out your ideas, services, or products.

In terms of platforms, virtually any site builder has the capability of creating a single page site. However, the only builder I’ve found who actually offers a lower price (as compared to a multi-page site) is: You do have the ability of course to upgrade to a multi-page plan if you wish. However, if you plan on switching to a multi-page site in the future, my advice is to start outright on a platform that allows for this. Read up on my suggestions here.

But if your intent is to keep your site as single page, then Strikingly is your best bet. And as I wish we heard more in life: THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING SINGLE … especially if your site goals fits into what I listed it above. Here’s a few single page sites I’ve worked on as well as some screenshots: