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Site Launch Sunday: MHPevents

Really happy to celebrate the release of's new website! They are a full-service event planning service located in sunny Pasadena and run by the ever-right-on-top-of-it-Rose Jill Hawkins.

MHP's site features a single page scrolling responsive layout. Single page sites have many benefits for the right purpose and audience (which I'll go over in a future post). Jill and her team has handled many local events from "Mitzvah to Meeting," such as all the yearly fundraisers and celebrations for Pasadena PAL. Her site includes:

  • Gallery

  • Contact Form

  • Button/Link Anchors (site scrolls to section in site)

  • Social Media Icons

  • Embedded Facebook Like/Tweet Activity

It was a delight working with Jill! She was so quick to provide direction and make decisions that we got her site up, running, and looking great in no time. Based on this alone, I personally would absolutely hire her to plan my next event ... and you should too! Please enjoy some screenshots below from her fabulous website.